Despite being known as a prominent fixture in the northern Nigerian entertainment industry, Kannywood is reportedly still struggling to be properly structured and has...
Nollywood actress Carolyna Hutching took to social media to share her “life threatening” incident at the Ashluxury store in Lekki, Lagos which allegedly also...
Nigerian artists are breaking through into the mainstream music industry and a study from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) showed that...
Murja Kunya, a popular comedian, was arrested by police at Kano’s Tahir Hotel. The police apprehended the Kano-based young lady while she was attempting...
Adewale Alebiosu, who frequently plays the role of a native doctor or Ifa priest in Yoruba films, has revealed that reciting certain incantations in...
Spotify might just be the tool for ensuring local artists music travel overseas without visas. Global music streaming pioneer, Spotify has launched in Nigeria...
Wolverhampton Wanderers have fired manager Bruno Lage following a two-goal defeat at West Ham United on Saturday, which dropped the club into the Premier...